The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Ambassador's Theatre, London, WC2H 9ND
  • Make every second count. The foot-stomping and award-winning musical, THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON is coming to the Ambassadors Theatre for a limited run this year.

    Under the light of a full moon, something most curious occurs… Benjamin Button is born old. Bound to the fate of growing younger each day, Benjamin wants nothing more than to live a little life. But will he ever find a place to belong? Only time and tide will tell…

    With a breathtaking soundtrack brought to life by an extraordinary actor-musician ensemble, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s iconic short story is relocated to a fishing village on the north coast of Cornwall by writing team Jethro Compton and Darren Clark.

    An electrifying journey through the timeless tale of a love that defies all odds, join us with friends and loved ones for a unique chance to catch this enchantingly beautiful and truly unordinary new musical. You’ll love every second.

    Book your THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON theatre tickets today!

    For more information or to make a booking please contact Group Line on 020 7206 1174 or via email at